The Training of the Muse
The alchemical fire of the sacred feminine, a living tradition
Thank you for your patience. We are building this new website. We will be adding pages and programs through 2021.
Please contact us with any questions.
This is a school for the training of the muse. For those artists who live the cry, the light from within, those artists surrendered to something far greater than themselves. Despite all effort, success and failure, at the end of this era, the School of 3 Lights calls to the soul of the artist to reach toward the light of humanity and the Earth. The call itself is to be trained, servant to the beauty and mercy of the Divine.
The creative act is to participate in the majesty of creation. What we in our current culture mean by artist has been severed from the sacred root of the vocation. And our longing remains, a desperation, that the fire itself be purified and trained in service to creation. The training un-buries the fire at the heart of this longing, the fire that praises the source of life.
The training is highly individualized, held within the container of a small group of similarly focused artists of all disciplines. The apprenticeship pulls upon the deepest yearnings of the artist’s vocation, requiring patience, stamina, courage and above all love. This is a tradition of devotion, to Her hidden light. The teachings arrive like song. These ancient songs of creation turn us toward the deep tears in the ecological and spiritual fabric of life, and love leads us into the wild vulnerability of life’s urgency. Such love requires that we enter the darkness of our own forgetting.
This is an ancient tradition, a note in the fabric of creation, that preserves deepest art form, the revelation of a complete(d) human being. And from the beginning of human consciousness there have been those beings who take birth to keep this note, this purpose alive. Hints and stories from all cultures and civilizations tell of the hidden way, the return to the source of all being. Hidden within the dense matter of Creation, Nature, is the One Light.
The School of 3 Lights is arriving slowly and steadily like the tide from the inner worlds. A place, a practice as well as a body of work waiting to be given. An ancient and urgent training, a way of working now, in this world, as well as to receive inspiration, story and instruction for our children’s children.
The mystical feminine mends the weave of life in an individual, a group, and in the Earth herself. It is Her mercy, Her beauty, Her forgiveness, Her terror that hold the key to the work of redemption so needed now. Without Her, the light of the feminine within humanity, nothing new can be born. This is a mystical tradition of grace that works directly in the magic of creation, weaving love into the hearts of people, love into the story of life. The school has been carefully built to collect and to offer these teachings for many years to come.